Social Contacts and Mixing Patterns Relevant to the Spread of Infectious Diseases

PLoS Medicine - Tập 5 Số 3 - Trang e74
Joël Mossong1,2, Niel Hens3, Mark Jit4, Philippe Beutels5, Kari Auranen6, Rafael Mikolajczyk7, Marco Massari8, Stefania Salmaso8, Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba9, Jacco Wallinga10, Janneke C. M. Heijne10, Małgorzata Sadkowska-Todys11, Magdalena Rosińska11, W. John Edmunds4
1Centre de Recherche Public – Santé, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
2Microbiology Unit, Laboratoire National de Santé, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
3Center for Statistics, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
4Modelling and Economics Unit, Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, London, United Kingdom
5Unit Health Economic and Modeling Infectious Diseases, Center for the Evaluation of Vaccination, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
6Department of Vaccines, National Public Health Institute (KTL), Helsinki, Finland
7School of Public Health, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
8Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
9Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
10Centre for Infectious Disease Control Netherlands, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
11National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland

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