Small-area analysis of social inequalities in residential exposure to road traffic noise in Marseilles, France

European Journal of Public Health - Tập 23 Số 4 - Trang 540-546 - 2013
Aurélie Bocquier1,2,3, Sébastien Cortaredona1,2,3, Céline Boutin4, Aude David4, Alexis Bigot4, Basile Chaix5,6, Jean Gaudart7, Pierre Verger1,2,3
1INSERM, U912 Economic & Social Sciences, Health Systems & Societies (SE4S), Marseille, France
2ORS PACA, Southeastern Health Regional Observatory, Marseille, France
3Université Aix Marseille, IRD, UMR-S912, Marseille, France
4Soldata Acoustic, Villeurbanne, France
5Inserm U707, Research Unit in Epidemiology, Information Systems, and Modelling, Paris, France
6Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, UMR-S 707, Paris, France
7Aix-Marseille Univ, LERTIM EA3283, 13005, Marseille, France

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