Small area analysis methods in an area of limited mapping: exploratory geospatial analysis of firearm injuries in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Athanasios Burlotos1,2, Tayana Jean Pierre3,4,5, Walter D. Johnson6, Seth Wiafe6, Christian A. Péan, Monet McCalla, Carl Stephane Lominy, James G. Lefevre, Yvelie Saint Lot1,2, Jean Wilguens Lartigue, Alence Therone, Carolina Torres, Gabrielle Cahill, Mathai Joseph3,4,7
1Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Boston, USA
3Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
4Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
5Universite Notre Dame D’Haiti, Faculte de Medecine, Port-au-Prince, Haïti
6Loma Linda University School of Public Health, Loma Linda, USA
7Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Tóm tắt

Abstract Background The city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is experiencing an epidemic of firearm injuries which has resulted in high burdens of morbidity and mortality. Despite this, little scientific literature exists on the topic. Geospatial research could inform stakeholders and aid in the response to the current firearm injury epidemic. However, traditional small-area geospatial methods are difficult to implement in Port-au-Prince, as the area has limited mapping penetration. Objectives of this study were to evaluate the feasibility of geospatial analysis in Port-au-Prince, to seek to understand specific limitations to geospatial research in this context, and to explore the geospatial epidemiology of firearm injuries in patients presenting to the largest public hospital in Port-au-Prince. Results To overcome limited mapping penetration, multiple data sources were combined. Boundaries of informally developed neighborhoods were estimated from the crowd-sourced platform OpenStreetMap using Thiessen polygons. Population counts were obtained from previously published satellite-derived estimates and aggregated to the neighborhood level. Cases of firearm injuries presenting to the largest public hospital in Port-au-Prince from November 22nd, 2019, through December 31st, 2020, were geocoded and aggregated to the neighborhood level. Cluster analysis was performed using Global Moran’s I testing, local Moran’s I testing, and the SaTScan software. Results demonstrated significant geospatial autocorrelation in the risk of firearm injury within the city. Cluster analysis identified areas of the city with the highest burden of firearm injuries. Conclusions By utilizing novel methodology in neighborhood estimation and combining multiple data sources, geospatial research was able to be conducted in Port-au-Prince. Geospatial clusters of firearm injuries were identified, and neighborhood level relative-risk estimates were obtained. While access to neighborhoods experiencing the largest burden of firearm injuries remains restricted, these geospatial methods could continue to inform stakeholder response to the growing burden of firearm injuries in Port-au-Prince.

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