Slow slumping of a very viscous liquid bridge

Journal of Engineering Mathematics - Tập 32 - Trang 27-40 - 1997
E.O. Tuck1, Y.M. Stokes1, L.W. Schwartz2
1Applied Mathematics Department, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, U.S.A

Tóm tắt

A layer of very viscous liquid (e.g. tar, molten glass) spans a chasm between two vertical walls. The slow fall or slump of this initially-rectangular liquid bridge is analysed. A semi-analytical solution is obtained for the initial motion, for arbitrary thickness/width ratios. The formal limits of large and small thickness/width ratios are also investigated. For example, the centre section of a thin bridge of liquid of density ρ and viscosity µ, with width 2w and thickness 2h≪2w falls under gravity g at an initial velocity ρgw4/(32μh2). A finite element technique is then employed to determine the slumping motion at later times, confirming in passing the semi-analytical prediction of the initial slumping velocity.

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