Six statistical issues in scientific writing that might lead to rejection of a manuscript
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Communication plays an important role in advancing scientific fields and disciplines, defining what knowledge is made accessible to the public, and guiding policymaking and regulation of public authorities for the benefit of the environment and society. Hence, what is finally published is of great importance for scientific advancement, social development, environmental and public health, and economic agendas. In recognition of these, the goal of a researcher is to communicate research findings to the scientific community and ultimately, to the public. However, this may often be challenging due to competition for publication space, although to a lesser extent nowadays that online-only publications have expanded. This editorial introduces six statistics-related issues in scientific writing that you should be aware of. These issues can lead to desk rejection or rejection following a peer review, but even if papers containing such issues are published, they may prevent cumulative science, undermine scientific advancement, mislead the public, and result in incorrect or weak policies and regulations. Therefore, addressing these issues from the early research stages can facilitate scientific advancement and prevent rejection of your paper.
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