Simulation of a turbulent flow subjected to favorable and adverse pressure gradients
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This paper reports the results from a direct numerical simulation of an initially turbulent boundary layer passing over a wall-mounted “speed bump” geometry. The speed bump, represented in the form of a Gaussian distribution profile, generates a favorable pressure gradient region over the upstream half of the geometry, followed by an adverse pressure gradient over the downstream half. The boundary layer approaching the bump undergoes strong acceleration in the favorable pressure gradient region before experiencing incipient or very weak separation within the adverse pressure gradient region. These types of flows have proved to be particularly challenging to predict using lower-fidelity simulation tools based on various turbulence modeling approaches and warrant the use of the highest fidelity simulation techniques. The present direct numerical simulation is performed using a flow solver developed exclusively for graphics processing units. Simulation results are utilized to examine the key phenomena present in the flowfield, such as relaminarization/stabilization in the strong acceleration region succeeded by retransition to turbulence near the onset of adverse pressure gradient, incipient/weak separation and development of internal layers, where the sense of streamwise pressure gradient changes at the foot, apex and tail of the bump.
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