Simulated Annealing-Based Embedded Meta-Heuristic Approach to Solve Bi-objective Robust Stochastic Sustainable Cellular Layout

Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management - Tập 19 - Trang 69-93 - 2017
Ravi Kumar1, Surya Prakash Singh1
1Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi, India

Tóm tắt

The increase in competitiveness and environmental challenges drive manufacturing industry to change in layout frequently. Moreover, due to environmental challenges, use of scarce resources like electrical energy consumption (EEC) is a major issue. To tackle these rapidly changing conditions, a layout must be efficient and effective. This work proposes a bi-objective robust stochastic sustainable cellular facility layout mathematical model and embedded meta-heuristic to solve it. The proposed model simultaneously minimizes material handling cost for both inter/intra-cellular movement and EEC in cellular manufacturing systems. In today’s sensitive market, demand fluctuates very frequently, so a layout must be robust so that it can tackle all these market fluctuations. To cure the problem, robust facility layout has been designed and solved using simulated annealing (SA)-based embedded meta-heuristic. To show the validity of proposed SA-based embedded meta-heuristic, twenty-five data instances have been used and solved.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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