Simple proof of the existence of restricted ramsey graphs by means of a partite construction

Combinatorica - Tập 1 - Trang 199-202 - 1981
Jaroslav Nešetřil1, Vojtěch Rödl2
1KZAA MFF KU, Charles University, Praha 8, Czechoslovakia
2KM FJFI CVUT, Czech Technical Univ., Praha 1, Czechoslovakia

Tóm tắt

By means of a partite construction we present a short proof of the Galvin Ramsey property of the class of all finite graphs and of its strengthening proved in [5]. We also establish a generalization of those results. Further we show that for every positive integerm there exists a graphH which is Ramsey forK m and does not contain two copies ofK m with more than two vertices in common.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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