Similarity of the measured NIC of a BioRID II dummy in car-to-car rear end impact and sled experiments

International Journal of Automotive Technology - Tập 19 - Trang 77-83 - 2017
Yasuhiro Matsui1, Masami Kubota2, Shoko Oikawa3
1Vehicle Safety Research Department, National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan
2Japan Automobile Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan
3Faculty of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan

Tóm tắt

The Japan New Car Assessment Program (J-NCAP) evaluates the performance of cars in terms of protection against whiplash injuries in rear-end collisions. In the test protocol, a simplified triangular acceleration is applied to the sled. This study clarifies whether biofidelic rear-impact dummy II (BioRID II) measurements obtained for simplified triangular acceleration reflect car-to-car rear-end impacts in real-world accidents in Japan. We conducted a car-to-car rear-end impact experiment and a simplified-triangular-acceleration sled test. Our results indicate that the time series of dummy responses were approximately consistent in the two test conditions. The neck injury criterion (NIC) and maximum acceleration of the head and T1 measured using the BioRID II dummy were similar in the car-to-car and sled experiments. This revealed that the J-NCAP test protocol using simplified triangular acceleration reflects the car-to-car rear-end impact experiment using Japanese cars, in terms of the NIC and maximum acceleration of the head and T1.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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