Silvicultural interpretation of natural vegetation dynamics in ageing Scots pine stands for their conversion into mixed broadleaved stands

Forest Ecology and Management - Tập 223 Số 1-3 - Trang 363-370 - 2006
Vincent Kint1, Guy Geudens2, G.M.J. Mohren3, N. Lust2
1Ministry of the Flemish Community, Forest and Green Areas Division, Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 8, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
2Laboratory of Forestry, Ghent University, Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267, 9090 Melle‐Gontrode, Belgium;
3Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group, Wageningen‐UR, P.O. Box 342, 6700 AH‐Wageningen, The Netherlands;

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