Short-Term Semantic Changes in Space-Related Categories in Russian Media Discourse

Allerton Press - Tập 50 - Trang 81-89 - 2023
O. V. Smirnova1, G. V. Denisova2, I. A. Pankeyev1, D. S. Ilchenko1, A. S. Antipova2
1Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Tóm tắt

This study is identifies semantic features of space-related topics and continues a major study of the coverage of space-related issues in Russian media resources. In this context, space-related topics are understood as a set of words associated with the category of space and used together in sociocultural media discourse. At this stage, the goal of the study is to reveal contextual changes of short-term value in the semantic field of the topic Space in leading Russian federal newspapers, such as Komsomolskaya Pravda, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, and Kommersant, as well as in Russian online media, such as Lenta.Ru and For this purpose, a corpus of 9872 publications with the keywords as space* or cosmic* is created, including 3964 articles for 2020 and 5908 articles for 2021. The study was conducted from January, 2020 until December, 2021. In addition to revealing the dynamics of the increase in the specific share of space-related publications for 2020–2021, the authentic methodology allows analyzing topical trends of the space agenda and its geographical characteristics, describing the semantic field of space-related categories, and showing its key changes over time.

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