Sentryn and SAD Kinase Link the Guided Transport and Capture of Dense Core Vesicles in <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>

Genetics - Tập 210 Số 3 - Trang 925-946 - 2018
Logan M Morrison1, Stacey L. Edwards1, Laura Manning2, Natalia Stec1, Janet E. Richmond2, Kenneth G. Miller1
1Genetic Models of Disease Laboratory, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma 73104
2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois 60607

Tóm tắt

Abstract Dense core vesicles (DCVs) can transmit signals by releasing neuropeptides from specialized synaptic regions called active zones. DCVs reach the active zone by motorized transport through a long axon. A reverse motor frequently interrupts progress by taking DCVs in the opposite direction. “Guided transport” refers to the mechanism by which outward movements ultimately dominate to bring DCVs to the synaptic region. After guided transport, DCVs alter their interactions with motors and enter a “captured” state. The mechanisms of guided transport and capture of DCVs are unknown. Here, we discovered two proteins that contribute to both processes in Caenorhabditis elegans. SAD kinase and a novel conserved protein we named Sentryn are the first proteins found to promote DCV capture. By imaging DCVs moving in various regions of single identified neurons in living animals, we found that DCV guided transport and capture are linked through SAD kinase, Sentryn, and Liprin-α. These proteins act together to regulate DCV motorized transport in a region-specific manner. Between the cell body and the synaptic region, they promote forward transport. In the synaptic region, where all three proteins are highly enriched at active zones, they promote DCV pausing by inhibiting transport in both directions. These three proteins appear to be part of a special subset of active zone-enriched proteins because other active zone proteins do not share their unique functions.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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