SensDeploy: efficient sensor deployment strategy for real-time localization

Jin-Hee Lee1, Byeong-Seok Shin2
1Future Automotive Technology Research Center, DGIST, Daegu, South Korea
2Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea

Tóm tắt

In order to estimate the location of the user, the previous studies introduced many sensor deployment methods applying the sensor network. The important issues to consider when placing the sensors are a configuration cost and detection area of a sensor network. In other words, the sensors consisting the network should be optimally deployed by taking into account the coverage and connectivity of them. In this paper, a sensor signal is modeled as the Gaussian distribution based signal points group, and signal points in overlapping region between two different sensors are classified by e-SVM (support vector machine) method as each sensor group. In addition, a trilateration technique is used for estimating the position of a moving object. At this time, we efficiently deploy the sensors with f-Apriori method to maintain the connectivity between the sensors as well as to apply the trilateration. The proposed method can be utilized for optimal placement of sensors if we know a detection range of one sensor. In this paper, we introduce more effective and adaptive deployment method to consist the sensor network as taking into account the cost and the situation.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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