Selective laser melting of biocompatible metals for rapid manufacturing of medical parts
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This paper seeks to investigate the possibility of producing medical or dental parts by selective laser melting (SLM). Rapid Manufacturing could be very suitable for these applications due to their complex geometry, low volume and strong individualization.
The SLM‐process has been optimized and fully characterized for two biocompatible metal alloys: Ti‐6Al‐4V and Co‐Cr‐Mo. Mechanical and chemical properties were tested and geometrical feasibility, including process accuracy and surface roughness, was discussed by benchmark studies. By developing a procedure to fabricate frameworks for complex dental prostheses, the potential of SLM as a medical manufacturing technique has been proved.
Optimized SLM parameters lead to part densities up to 99.98 percent for titanium. Strength and stiffness, corrosion behavior, and process accuracy fulfil requirements for medical or dental parts. Surface roughness analyses show some limitations of the SLM process. Dental frameworks can be produced efficiently and with high precision.
This study presents the state‐of‐the‐art in SLM of biocompatible metals by thoroughly testing material and part properties. It shows opportunities for using SLM for medical or dental applications.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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