Seismic response of a motorway bridge founded in an active landslide: a case study

Antonios Mantakas1, Angelos Tsatsis2, Marianna Loli2, Rallis Kourkoulis1, George Gazetas1
1Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 9, Iroon Polytechniou Str, Athens, Greece
2Grid Engineers, Pampouki 3, N., 154 51, Psychiko, Greece

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A twin girder 7-pier bridge, belonging to the "Egnatia" highway that has been facing numerous challenging geohazards, is built within an active landslide. Its seismic performance is investigated here through a comprehensive analysis of the interaction between bridge, foundation, and the precarious slope, which might affect 4 of the piers. The numerical 3D modeling considers in a realistic way the coupled effects of topography, soil nonlinearity, slope instability, and reinforced-concrete plasticity during seismic loading (kinematic and inertial). Alternative foundation schemes and slope stabilizing techniques are generically compared and evaluated. The aim is to develop a multi-hazard risk assessment platform that could facilitate the long-term management of motorways while shedding some light on the multi-hazard soil-structure interaction (MH-SSI).

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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