Security-by-Experiment: Lessons from Responsible Deployment in Cyberspace

Science and Engineering Ethics - Tập 22 - Trang 831-850 - 2015
Wolter Pieters1,2, Dina Hadžiosmanović1, Francien Dechesne3
1Delft University of Technology, CyberSecurity@TUDelft, Delft, The Netherlands
2University of Twente, Services, Cybersecurity and Safety, Enschede, The Netherlands
33TU.Ethics @ Eindhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt

Conceiving new technologies as social experiments is a means to discuss responsible deployment of technologies that may have unknown and potentially harmful side-effects. Thus far, the uncertain outcomes addressed in the paradigm of new technologies as social experiments have been mostly safety-related, meaning that potential harm is caused by the design plus accidental events in the environment. In some domains, such as cyberspace, adversarial agents (attackers) may be at least as important when it comes to undesirable effects of deployed technologies. In such cases, conditions for responsible experimentation may need to be implemented differently, as attackers behave strategically rather than probabilistically. In this contribution, we outline how adversarial aspects are already taken into account in technology deployment in the field of cyber security, and what the paradigm of new technologies as social experiments can learn from this. In particular, we show the importance of adversarial roles in social experiments with new technologies.

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