Searching for a Global Search Algorithm

Automated Software Engineering - Tập 4 - Trang 7-31 - 1997
Sabine Dick1, Thomas Santen2
1FB3, Informatik, Bibliothekstraßet, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany
2German National Research Center, Information Technology (GMD FIRST), Berlin, Germany

Tóm tắt

We report on a case study to assess the use of an advanced knowledge-based software design technique with programmers who have not participated in the technique's development. We use the KIDS approach to algorithm design to construct two global search algorithms that route baggage through a transportation net. Construction of the second algorithm involves extending the KIDS knowledge base. Experience with the case study leads us to integrate the approach with the spiral and prototyping models of software engineering, and to discuss ways to deal with incomplete design knowledge.

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