ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software - Tập 36 Số 1 - Trang 1-30 - 2009
Manolis Lourakis1, Antonis Argyros1
1Foundation for Research and Technology—Hellas

Tóm tắt

Bundle adjustment constitutes a large, nonlinear least-squares problem that is often solved as the last step of feature-based structure and motion estimation computer vision algorithms to obtain optimal estimates. Due to the very large number of parameters involved, a general purpose least-squares algorithm incurs high computational and memory storage costs when applied to bundle adjustment. Fortunately, the lack of interaction among certain subgroups of parameters results in the corresponding Jacobian being sparse, a fact that can be exploited to achieve considerable computational savings. This article presents sba, a publicly available C/C++ software package for realizing generic bundle adjustment with high efficiency and flexibility regarding parameterization.

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Tài liệu tham khảo


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