Risk factors and therapy for goat mastitis in a hospital-based case-control study in Bangladesh

Preventive Veterinary Medicine - Tập 124 - Trang 52-57 - 2016
Gerrit Koop1, Md. Nurul Islam2, Md. Mizanur Rahman2, Momena Khatun3, Jinnat Ferdous2, Md. Abu Sayeed2, Shariful Islam2, Md. Ahaduzzaman2, Sazeda Akter2, Abdul Mannan4, Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan5, Ravi Dissanayake6, Md. Ahasanul Hoque2
1Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Yalelaan 7, 3583CL, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2Department of Medicine & Surgery, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi, Chittagong 4225, Bangladesh
3Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
4Shahedul Alam Quadery Teaching Veterinary Hospital, CVASU, Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi, Chittagong 4225, Bangladesh
5Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, CVASU, Zakir Hossain Road, Khulshi, Chittagong 4225, Bangladesh
6Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Regional Support Unit for SAARC, Nepal

Tài liệu tham khảo

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