Resin composites in dentistry: the monomer systems
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The present review outlines the history of monomers, used in resin composites, motivates further development, and highlights recent and ongoing research reported in the field of dental monomer systems. The monomer systems of most present‐day resin composites are based on BisGMA, developed some 40 years ago, or derivatives of BisGMA. In the remaining resin composites, urethane monomers or oligorners are used as the basis of the monomer system. The main deficiencies of current resin composites are polymerization shrinkage and insufficient wear resistance under high masticatory forces. Both factors are highly influenced by the mooonier system, and considerable efforts are being made around the world to reduce or eliminate these undesirable properties. The use of fluoride‐releasing monomer systems, some of which are under investigation, has been suggested to mitigate the negative effects of marginal gaps formed in consequence of polymerization shrinkage. The very crux of the problem has also been approached with the synthesis of potentially low‐shrinking/non‐shrinking resin composites involving ring opening or cyclopolymerizable monomers. By the use of additives with a supposed chain transfer agent function, monomer systems have been formulated that improve the degree of conversion of methacrylate double bonds and mechanical properties. Many promising monomer systems have been devised, the implementation of which may be expected to improve the longevity of resin composite fillings and expand the indications for resin composites.
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