Research on geometric algebra-based robust adaptive filtering algorithms in wireless communication systems

Rui Wang1, Yi Wang1, Yanping Li2, Wenming Cao3
1School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
2Office of Academic Affairs, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
3College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China

Tóm tắt


Noise and interference are the two most common and basic problems in wireless communication systems. The noise in wireless communication channels has the characteristics of randomness and impulsivity, so the performance of adaptive filtering algorithms based on geometric algebra (GA) and second-order statistics is greatly reduced in the wireless communication systems. In order to improve the performance of adaptive filtering algorithms in wireless communication systems, this paper proposes two novel GA-based adaptive filtering algorithms, which are deduced from the robust algorithms based on the minimum error entropy (MEE) criterion and the joint criterion (MSEMEE) of the MEE and the mean square error (MSE) with the help of GA theory. The noise interference in wireless communication is modeled by $$\alpha$$ α -stable distribution which is in good agreement with the actual data in this paper. Simulation results show that for the mean square deviation (MSD) learning curve, the GA-based MEE (GA-MEE) algorithm has faster convergence rate and better steady-state accuracy compared to the GA-based maximum correntropy criterion algorithm (GA-MCC) under the same generalized signal-to-noise ratio (GSNR). The GA-MEE algorithm reduces the convergence rate, but improves the steady-state accuracy by 10–15 dB compared to the adaptive filtering algorithms based on GA and second-order statistics. For GA-based MSEMEE (GA-MSEMEE) algorithm, when GA-MSEMEE and the adaptive filtering algorithms based on GA and second-order statistics keep the same convergence rate, its steady-state accuracy is improved by 10–15 dB, and when GA-MSEMEE and GA-MEE maintain approximately steady-state accuracy, its convergence rate is improved by nearly 100 iterations. In addition, when the algorithms are applied to noise cancellation, the average recovery error of the two proposed algorithms is 7 points lower than that of other GA-based adaptive filtering algorithms. The results validate the effectiveness and superiority of the GA-MEE and GA-MSEMEE algorithms in the $$\alpha$$ α -stable noise environment, providing new methods to deal with multi-channel interference in wireless networks.

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