Reply to letter to the editor by Gulmira Kudaibedieva and Bulent Gorenek

Gerrit Frommeyer1, Florian Reinke1, Lars Eckardt1
1Klinik für Kardiologie II: Rhythmologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1 Gebäude A1, 48149, Münster, Germany

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Tài liệu tham khảo

Gorenek B, Bax J, Boriani G et al (2017) Device-detected subclinical atrial tachyarrhythmias: definition, implications and management-an European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) consensus document, endorsed by Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estimulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiología (SOLEACE). Europace 19:1556–1578

Bettin M, Dechering D, Kochhäuser S, Bode N, Eckardt L, Frommeyer G, Reinke F (2019) Extended ECG monitoring with an implantable loop recorder in patients with cryptogenic stroke: time schedule, reasons for explantation and incidental findings (results from the TRACK-AF trial). Clin Res Cardiol 108(3):309–314

Kochhäuser S, Dechering DG, Dittrich R, Reinke F, Ritter MA, Ramtin S, Duning T, Frommeyer G, Eckardt L (2014) Supraventricular premature beats and short atrial runs predict atrial fibrillation in continuously monitored patients with cryptogenic stroke. Stroke 45(3):884–886