Removal of Cd (II) and Pb (II) from aqueous environment using Moringa Oleifera seeds as biosorbent: A low cost and ecofriendly technique for water purification
Tóm tắt
Ever-growing list of chemical contaminants released into the environment through excessive industrialization on a large scale includes numerous chemical pollutants more prominently heavy metals. The discharge of heavy metals in aqueous system and their removal have been a challenging task for environmentalists for last one decade. Keeping these views in mind, the present study highlights the efficacy of shelled Moringa oleifera seeds (SMOS) in decontaminating Cd (II) and Pb (II) ions from aqueous environment both present as single metal and as binary metal solution. The extent of adsorption capacity for Cd (II) and Pb (II) on Moringa oleifera seeds for binary metal ions [76.59% and 81.10%] was found to be low as compared to single metal ions [85.10% and 96.10%]. Morphological changes observed in Scanning Electron Micrographs of native and treated SMOS indicates the existence of biosorption phenomenon. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry of the exhausted seed biomass highlights amino acids-metal interaction responsible for sorption phenomenon. The sorption capacity of regenerated biomass remained almost constant after three cycle of sorption suggesting that the lifetime cycle was sufficient for continuous application.
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