Reliability-Based Serviceability Limit State Design of Driven Piles in Glacial Deposits
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The reliability-based design (RBD) was investigated in this study on the serviceability limit state of steel piles driven in glacial deposits. A database of 42 high-quality pile load tests was used to quantify the uncertainties of the standard penetration test (SPT)—based design methods. A two-parameter hyperbolic model was adopted to represent the measured load–displacement response of a pile, and the load component of the model was normalized with the capacity identified from the pile load test. A statistical analysis was conducted on the performances of 11 different failure load identification methods. The De Beer method was selected due to its low variations and relatively conservative estimation. The measured capacities were compared to predictions from three SPT-based design methods. The statistical properties of the capacity bias, a ratio of the measured to predicted capacity, were evaluated for characterizing the uncertainties of a pile design in glacial deposits. The average of the capacity bias varied from 0.96 to 1.13 with the coefficient of variations ranging from 36.4 to 50.9%. From the pile load tests, probability distributions were fitted to the collected capacity biases and hyperbolic model parameters, and several copulas were evaluated to represent the observed correlations between the two hyperbolic parameters. Lastly, the resistance factors in the RBD were calibrated with Monte Carlo simulations. In the end, a series of resistance factors were developed for an allowable displacement of 5 to 25 mm for three SPT-based design methods. Based on this study, the values of the resistance factors ranged from 0.04 to 0.49, which were largely influenced by the design methods due to their capacity biases and variations.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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