Reduction of Multiphase Atmospheric Chemistry
Tóm tắt
The aim of this article is to investigate the dynamical behaviour ofmultiphase atmospheric chemical mechanisms. Reducing procedures areapplied to a multiphase chemical box model including gas-phasereactions, aqueous-phase reactions and interfacial mass transfer. The lumping of species is computed in an automatic wayusing an efficient algorithm (apla). The computed lumped species arerelated to the fast behaviour of chemical and microphysical processessuch as Chapman cycle, ionic dissociations within the cloud drops andinterfacial Henry's equilibria. Depending on some parameters (liquidwater content, droplet radius) mixed lumped species (including both phases) may also becomputed. We show the existence of hierarchical reduced models due to the existence ofmultiple timescales. We use a special algorithm (dan2) in order tosolve the reduced models. Such models are accurate and the relative errorremains under the threshold of 1%. The speed-up is up to a factor 5comparedwith a fully implicit method (Gear) for the same accuracy. The key pointis that it provides a good qualitative understanding for the behaviourof the kinetic scheme.
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