Reconstructing and resurfacing open neglected Achilles tendon injury by distal posterior tibial artery perforator based adipofascial flap

Chirurgia plastica - Tập 27 - Trang 196-199 - 2004
A. Mohanty1,2, P. Jain1
1Department of Plastic Surgery, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 5, India
2c/o U.N. Mohanty, Friends’ Colony, Cuttack, India

Tóm tắt

Surgical management of open neglected Achilles tendon injury and damaged overlying skin is very demanding. Here, we report a case of 50 year-old man who sustained an injury to the left Achilles tendon causing complete disruption of the tendon with an open wound. The patient came to us after 3 months and was managed by tendon debridement, reconstruction by the Bosworth method, and resurfacing with a distal posterior tibial artery perforator based turn-over adipofascial flap covered with a split thickness skin graft. There was minimal skin graft loss which healed by itself. A 9 month follow up of the reconstructed tendon showed a good functional result and a normal range of dorsi and plantar flexion of the foot. This technique provides an easy and quick solution to resurface the tendoachilles with minimal donor site morbidity.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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