Reconciling Medications at Admission: Safe Practice Recommendations and Implementation Strategies

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety - Tập 32 Số 1 - Trang 37-50 - 2006
Gina Rogers1, Eric Alper2, Diane Brunelle3, Frank Federico4,5, Clark A. Fenn6, Lucian L. Leape7, Leslie Kirle8, Nancy Ridley9, Brian Clarridge10, Dragana Bolcic‐Jankovic10, Paula Griswold11, Doris Hanna12,13, Catherine L. Annas14
1Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors, Burlington, Massachusetts
2UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, Massachusetts
3Franklin Medical Center, Franklin, Massachusetts
4Director, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Cambridge
5Formerly Loss Prevention/Patient Safety Specialist, Risk Management Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts
6Inpatient Services, Holyoke Medical Center, Holyoke, Massachusetts
7Harvard School of Public Health, Boston
8Clinical Policy and Patient Advocacy, Massachusetts Hospital Association, Burlington
9Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston
10Center for Survey Research, University of Massachusetts, Boston
11Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors
12Director, The National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality, Boston
13Formerly Consultant, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors
14Massachusetts Department of Public Health

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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