Recommendations for the use of ECT in pregnancy: literature review and proposed clinical protocol
Tóm tắt
Psychiatric disorders are common in pregnancy, affecting 15–29% of pregnant women. Untreated depression has negative health consequences for mother and fetus. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective option for the treatment of severe depression, high suicide risk, catatonia, medication-resistant illness, psychotic agitation, severe physical decline, and other life-threatening conditions. To our knowledge, however, there is no literature that consolidates all the evidence on maternal and fetal risks associated with untreated depression, medications, and ECT then translating it into one cohesive protocol that could serve as a management guide and a source of reassurance to health-care providers involved in such practice. Hoping to facilitate ECT access to perinatal patients, the authors combined their multidisciplinary clinical experience (in perinatal psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and neuromodulation, and anesthesiology) at three different centers in the USA (Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, The University of Chicago, and Brown University) with a careful and critical literature review and propose guidelines for the administration of ECT in pregnancy. A comprehensive review of the relevant literature regarding both ECT and psychotropic medications in pregnancy was performed, including meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials published in general medicine, anesthesiology, psychiatry, and obstetrics journals and guidelines. The indication and appropriateness of ECT in pregnancy must be carefully weighed against the risks of untreated maternal illness and those of alternative treatment options. The safety of ECT in pregnancy has been documented over the last 50 years. The adverse effects in pregnancy are similar to the risks of ECT in any individual. The most common risk to the mother is premature contractions and preterm labor, which occur infrequently and are not clearly caused by ECT. The rates of miscarriages were not significantly different from that of the general population. There have been no associations of ECT with congenital anomalies, either morphologic or behavioral, and no neurocognitive disturbances in the child. ECT is a reasonably safe and effective treatment alternative for management of many psychiatric disorders in pregnant patients. The authors provide recommendations for treatment modifications in pregnancy-based physiologic changes that occur during that period and consolidate them into a protocol that can assist clinicians in improving access and safety of ECT for pregnant patients.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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