Recent advances in optically induced di-electrophoresis and its biomedical applications
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The development of the micro/nano science and technology has promoted the evolvement of human civilization tremendously. The advancement of the micro/nano science and technology highly depends on the progress of the micro/nano manipulation techniques, and the micro/nano-scaled manipulation level is the critical sign of the micro/nano science and technology. This review, aimed at the demand and the challenge of the micro/nano material and biomedical fields and related to the scientific issues and implementation techniques of the optically induced di-electrophoresis (ODEP). We explained its working principle, manipulating method, and influencing factors of ODEP force to a certain extent. A number of application fields based-ODEP technology and specific applications so far are summarized and reviewed. Finally, some perspectives are provided on current development trends, future research directions, and challenges of ODEP.
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