Recent advances in lightweight stream ciphers
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In this era of cutting edge computing research, there have been gigantic advancements in ubiquitous and pervasive computing. Due to mass deployment of these devices, there have been multifarious constraints in terms of memory, computing power, and battery supply coupled with an inherent need for security. This calls for the design and development of lightweight ciphers so as to ensure security and integrity of the information being shared. There have been numerous attempts to create these security protocols. Two of the most popular primitives are block cipher and stream cipher. In this paper, we study stream ciphers like Grain, Trivium, Mickey, and Fruit, and do a comparative analysis on them.
Tài liệu tham khảo
CryptoLUX, University of Luxembourg Lightweight_Cryptography4
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CryptoLUX, University of Luxembourg Lightweight_Stream_Ciphers
CryptoLUX, University of Luxembourg Lightweight_Block_Ciphers
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