Recent Advances in Artificial Immune Systems: Models and Applications
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Ko, 2008, AIS based distributed wireless sensor network for mobile search and rescue robot tracking
Liu, 2008, A neuro-immune inspired robust real time visual tracking system
Whitbrook, 2008, An idiotypic immune network as a short-term learning architecture for mobile robots
Chen, 2008, A virtual and real HCI system based on artificial immune system
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Abi-Haidar, 2008, Adaptive spam detection inspired by a cross-regulation model of immune dynamics: a study of concept drift
Albergante, 2008, Wireless discussion forums: automatic management via artificial immune systems
C.-M. Wang, C.-T. Kuo, C.-Y. Lin, G.-H. Chang, Application of artificial immune system approach in MRI classification, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008 (Article ID 547684, 8 pages, 2008) doi:10.1155/2008/547684.
Zheng, 2008, Research on vehicle image classifier based on concentration regulating of immune clonal selection
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