Real-time motion planning of multiple nanowires in fluid suspension under electric-field actuation
Tóm tắt
The ability to precisely and efficiently manipulate nano- and micro-scale objects is a key step in enabling applications in areas such as nano-medicine and nano/micro-device assembly. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate real-time motion-planning algorithms for effectively steering multiple nanowires simultaneously in fluid suspension using electric fields. The proposed motion planners
and learning-
) are built on and extended by sparse-structure, Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT)-based motion-planning algorithms. The algorithms also use heuristics to effectively guide the search process to quickly generate initial solutions. In order to reduce the online computational cost, the
algorithm shifts the intensive computation of optimal additive cost metric to offline training using a supervised learning method. Compared with the previously developed network-flow and RRT-based algorithms, the
guarantee the asymptotically near-optimal trajectories of multiple nanowires. Moreover, the algorithms do not restrict in theory the maximum number of nanowires that can be simultaneously controlled. We present simulation and experimental results to demonstrate the minimum-time performance of the motion-planning and control design. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms significantly reduce the computational cost and increase the efficiency of manipulating multiple nanowires simultaneously when compared with the
and other
enhanced algorithms.
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