Rational Approximations of Transfer Functions of Some Viscoelastic Rods with Applications to Robust Control

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 255-301 - 1999
K.B. Hannsgen1, O.J. Staffans2, R.L. Wheeler1
1Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA
2Department of Mathematics, Åbo Akademi University, Åbo, Finland

Tóm tắt

We study rational approximations of the transfer function $$\widehat P$$ of a uniform or nonuniform viscoelastic rod undergoing torsional vibrations that are excited and measured at the same end. The approximation is to be carried out in a way that is appropriate, with respect to stability and performance, for the construction of suboptimal rational stabilizing compensators for the rod. The function $$\widehat P$$ can be expressed as $$\widehat P(s) = s^{ - 2} g(\beta ^2 (s))$$ , where g is an infinite product of fractional linear transformations and β is a (generally transcendental) function that characterizes a particular viscoelastic material. First, g(β2) is approximated by its partial products g N(β2). For relevant values of β2, convergence rates for g N are analyzed in detail. Convergence suitable for our problem requires the introduction of a new irrational convergence factor, which must be approximated separately. In addition, the fractional linear factors in β2(s) that appear in g N(β2(s)) must be replaced by something rational. When the damping is weak it is possible to do this by separating the oscillatory modes from the “creep” modes and ignoring the latter; in general, this step remains incomplete. Some numerical data illustrating all the stages of the process as well as the final results for various viscoelastic constitutive relations are presented.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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