Rates of Yolk Utilization and Effects of Delayed Initial Feeding in the Larvae of the Freshwater Fishes Rohu and Singhi
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The yolk utilization rates and effects of delayed initial feeding were examined on the feeding ability, survival and growth of the larvae of two freshwater species, rohu, Labeo rohita and singhi, Heteropneustes fossilis reared in the laboratory at 26 (2) °C. Although the yolk reserves in both species lasted at least 7 days after hatching, all larvae initiated feeding by the fifth day, indicating a short period of mixed (endogenous and exogenous) feeding. When first feeding was delayed beyond the fifth day, subsequent weight gains and survival rates declined progressively for both rohu and singhi, although their feeding abilities were not adversely affected until the seventh (singhi) and eleventh (rohu) day. The point of no return (PNR) (when 50% of the unfed larvae were unable to feed when offered food) was reached in singhi when they were 8 days old and in rohu when they were 14 days old. Even among the larvae that fed at PNR, their subsequent mortality rate was nearly 100%, reflecting the irreversible effects of starvation. This study showed that rohu were more resistant to starvation than singhi.
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