Rapid analysis of trans,trans-muconic acid in urine using microextraction by packed sorbent
Tóm tắt
A simple and fast method has been developed for the determination of urinary trans,trans-muconic acid (ttMA) based on micro-extraction by packed sorbent (MEPS), followed by HPLC-UV detection. Parameters affecting the performance of MEPS were investigated. The results of the MEPS-HPLC-UV procedure were compared with the results of the conventional SPE method. The procedure was used for the determination of ttMA in urine samples of benzene-exposed subjects. The calibration curve was obtained in the range of 0.1 to 2 μg/mL, and the method showed high linearity (R2=0.9997). The LOQ was 0.1 μg/mL. For the MEPS method, the withinand between-day precision ranged from 3.0 to 5.1% and 3.3 to 5.2%, respectively. The within-and between-day accuracy ranged from 93.3 to 99.3% and 91.5 to 96.0%, respectively. The developed MEPS-HPLC-UV method is suggested as an alternative to the existing conventional SPE method for the biomonitoring of benzene-exposed subjects.
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