Ranking of Flexibility in Flexible Manufacturing System by Using a Combined Multiple Attribute Decision Making Method
Tóm tắt
The flexibility in manufacturing system is required so it is called flexible manufacturing system (FMS), but in FMS, there is different flexibility, which is incorporated. So, in manufacturing system which flexibility has more impact and which is less impact in FMS is decided by combined multiple attribute decision making method, which are analytic hierarchy process (AHP), technique for order preference by similarity to ideal situation, and improved preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations. The criteria weights are calculated by using the AHP. Furthermore, the method uses fuzzy logic to convert the qualitative attributes into the quantitative attributes. In this paper, a multiple attribute decision making method is structured to solve this problem and concluded that production flexibility has the most impact, and programme flexibility has the least impact in FMS based on factors, which affect the flexibility in FMS by using combined multiple attribute decision making method.
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