Radionuclide Transport in a Water - Saturated Planar Fracture with Bentonite Extrusion

R.A. Borrelli1, Joonhong Ahn1
1Nuclear Engineering, University of California - Berkeley, CA, 4155 Etcheverry Hall, MC 1730, 94720, Berkeley, USA

Tóm tắt

AbstractThis paper presents a radionuclide migration model that incorporates bentonite extrusion. The model consists of two parts: one for movement of water and bentonite in a planar fracture and the other for radionuclide transport by taking into account advection, diffusion, and sorption with moving bentonite particles. Numerical results indicate that strongly sorbing radionuclides are contained completely within the region of bentonite extrusion. This observation suggests importance of the region in the vicinity of buffer/rock interface in terms of impact on radionuclide release to surrounding host rock.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

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