Quantitative investigation of rock dynamic failure using Voronoi-based discontinuous deformation analysis

Kaiyu Zhang1, Lei Zhang1, Feng Liu2, Yuchao Yu2, Shuai Wang3
1College of Water Resources Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China
2State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Intelligent Construction and Operation, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
3China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin, China

Tóm tắt

Dynamic failure widely exists in rock engineering, such as excavation, blasting, and rockburst. However, the quantitative measurement of the dynamic damage process using experimental methods remains a challenge. In this study, a SHPB modeling technique is established based on Voronoi-based DDA to study the damage evolution of Fangshan granite under dynamic loading. The assessment of cracking along the artificial joints among Voronoi sub-blocks is conducted using the modified contact constitutive law. A calibration procedure has been implemented to investigate the rock dynamic properties quantitatively. The dispersion and damping effect can be effectively eliminated by regular discretization in SHPB bars, based on which the dynamic stress equilibrium can be satisfied. To reproduce the loading rate effect of the dynamic compressive strength, which has been observed in the experiment, a modification strategy considering the influence of the rate effect on the strength meso-parameters is proposed. Using this strategy, the peak stresses of the transmitted waves predicted by DDA match well with those obtained from experiments conducted at different loading rates. The simulation results show that more microcracks are generated and the proportion of tensile cracks decreases as the loading rate increases. Furthermore, the dynamic mechanical behavior and fracturing process have also been discussed and compared with the experiments. The results show that the established SHPB system is a powerful tool for quantitative analysis of rock dynamics problems and can handle more complex problems in the future.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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