QoS-driven scheduling in the cloud

Giovanni Farias da Silva1, Francisco Brasileiro1, Raquel Lopes1, FÁBIO HENRIQUE DE SIQUEIRA MORAIS2, Marcus Carvalho2, Daniel Turull3
1Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Computing and Systems, Av. Aprígio Veloso, 882 – Bloco CO, Campina Grande – PB, 58.429-900, Brazil
2Federal University of Paraíba, Department of Exact Sciences, Av. Santa Elisabete, 160, Rio Tinto – PB, 58.297-000, Brazil
3Ericsson Research, Torshamnsgatan 21, Stockholm, 164 83, Sweden

Tóm tắt

Abstract Priority-based scheduling policies are commonly used to guarantee that requests submitted to the different service classes offered by cloud providers achieve the desired Quality of Service (QoS). However, the QoS delivered during resource contention periods may be unfair on certain requests. In particular, lower priority requests may have their resources preempted to accommodate resources associated with higher priority ones, even if the actual QoS delivered to the latter is above the desired level, while the former is underserved. Also, competing requests with the same priority may experience quite different QoS, since some of them may have their resources preempted, while others do not. In this paper we present a new scheduling policy that is driven by the QoS promised to individual requests. Benefits of using the QoS-driven policy are twofold: it maintains the QoS of each request as high as possible, considering their QoS targets and available resources; and it minimizes the variance of the QoS delivered to requests of the same class, promoting fairness. We used simulation experiments fed with traces from a production system to compare the QoS-driven policy with a state-of-the-practice priority-based one. In general, the QoS-driven policy delivers a better service than the priority-based one. Moreover, the equity of the QoS delivered to requests of the same class is much higher when the QoS-driven policy is used, particularly when not all requests get the promised QoS, which is the most important scenario. Finally, based on the current practice of large public cloud providers, our results show that penalties incurred by the priority-based scheduler in the scenarios studied can be, on average, as much as 193% higher than those incurred by the QoS-driven one.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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