Purkynĕ’s contributions to neuroscience and biology: Part I
Tóm tắt
Jan Evangelista Purkyně (or Purkinje, as he was spelled in his German publications prior to 1850) was one of giants in the XIXth century science. His contributions are numerous, and his research interests were wide-ranging. This study is divided into two parts. In the Part I, we provide a general overview of Purkyně’s life and work, focusing on his pioneering role in the rise of experimental physiology and microscopical anatomy. In the Part II, we will: (a) focus on his contributions to neuroanatomy, neurohistology and cell theory; (b) provide the first complete English translation of his relevant publications, and (c) provide a critical historical review of the importance of his contributions in comparison to his main contemporary competitors: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, Gabriel Gustav Valentin, Theodor Schwann, Robert Remak and Adolf Hannover.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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