Pulse-level beam-switching for terahertz networks

Wireless Networks - Tập 25 - Trang 3047-3062 - 2018
Jian Lin1, Mary Ann Weitnauer2
1IBM Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia
2School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

Tóm tắt

Communication in Terahertz (THz) band is envisioned as a promising technology to meet the ever-growing data rate demand, and to enable new applications in both nano-scale and macro-scale wireless paradigms. In this study, we propose the first system-level design that is suitable for THz communication in macro-scale range with 100+ Gbps data rate. The design is based on the proposed terahertz pulse-level beam-switching with energy control (TRPLE), and motivated by the rise in Graphene-based electronics, which include not only compact generator and detector for pulse communication, but also the capability of beam scanning aided with nano-antenna-arrays. The very high path loss seen in THz wireless channel requires the use of narrow beam to reach longer transmission ranges. On the other hand, impulse radio that emits femtosecond-long pulses allows the beam direction to steer at pulse-level, rather than at packet-level. For TRPLE, we mathematically analyze the data rate for an arbitrary wireless link under the THz channel characteristics and the energy modulation scheme. Then, a novel optimization model is formulated to solve the parameters of the inter-pulse separation and the inter-symbol separation, in order to maximize the data rate while meeting the interference requirement. With the optimization, the data rate of 167 Gbps is shown achievable for most users in 20-m range. A MAC protocol framework is then presented to harness the benefits of the pulse separation optimization.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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