Public perception of air pollution and health effects in Nanchang, China
Tóm tắt
A cross-sectional survey study was conducted in Nanchang University between April and May of 2014, with a total of 528 respondents (response rate = 96 %) to examine public perception regarding the current air pollution and its effect on public health. Approximately 57 % of the respondents perceived that the air quality in Nanchang was fair. Over 93 % of respondents understood that there is an association between air pollution and human health. Over 95 % of respondents believe more money and action should be allocated toward future efforts to improve air quality of Nanchang. Almost all respondents (>97 %) agreed that the improvement of air quality is also the responsibility and obligation of every citizen. This study clearly shows that there exists positive perception and strong support from Nanchang public on air quality improvement, which could be valuable and used to influence local government for stricter regulations for improving air quality and healthy environment in future.
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