Pubertal timing, sexual behaviour and self‐reported depression in middle adolescence

Journal of Adolescence - Tập 26 Số 5 - Trang 531-545 - 2003
Riittakerttu Kaltiala‐Heino1, Elise Kosunen2, Matti Rimpelä3
1Psychiatric Treatment and Research Unit for Adolescent Intensive Care Tampere University Hospital Tampere School of Public Health Box 607 33101 Tampere Finland
2University of Tampere Medical School, Tampere, Finland
3National Development and Research Centre for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland

Tóm tắt


The associations between pubertal timing, sexual activity and self‐reported depression were analysed in a population sample of 17,082 girls and 15,922 boys aged 14–16 as a par of a classroom survey. Pubertal timing was assessed by age at onset of menstruation (menarche) or ejaculations (oigarche). Sexual experiences elicited included kissing, light petting, heavy petting and intercourse. Self‐reported depression was measured by the 13‐item Beck Depression Inventory. Among girls, self‐reported depression was associated with early puberty and intimate sexual relationship. Among boys depression was associated with very early and late puberty and experience of intercourse. Early puberty is a risk factor for self‐reported depression. Intimate sexual relationships in middle adolescent are likely to indicate problems in adolescent development rather than successful adolescent passage.

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