Psychometric Properties of the Cervical Smear Belief Inventory for Chinese Women

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine - Tập 12 - Trang 180-191 - 2005
Su-I Hou1, Wei-Ming Luh2
1309 Ramsey Center, Department of Health Promotion and Behavior, The University of Georgia, Athens
2Institute of Education, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan

Tóm tắt

This study examines the reliability and validity of the scores of Cervical Smear Belief Inventory (CSBI) among Chinese women in Taiwan. Women who were nonadherent to cervical screening guidelines were recruited (N = 424). Reliabilities showed good internal consistency for the perceived Pros, Cons, and Susceptibility scales (α ranged from .78 to .87). Factor analysis showed good construct validity of the scores of CSBI that revealed concordant patterns with existing social and behavioral theories, except that the Norms scale was loaded with the Pros scale. Moreover, two items in the Cons scale appeared to be “cultural belief toward virginity.” Item-discrimination analysis showed that all items in the CSBI successfully discriminated women with favorable cervical smear beliefs from those with unfavorable beliefs (p < .001). In summary, many psychometric properties of the CSBI showed that the scores of the inventory were reliable and valid to assess belief toward cervical smear among Chinese women.

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