Promotion of respiration by auxin in the induction of cell division in suspension culture

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Tập 4 - Trang 169-176 - 1985
L. A. Leonova1, K. Z. Gamburg1, V. K. Vojnikov1, N. N. Varakina1
1Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, USSR

Tóm tắt

Auxins (IAA, NAA, p-CPA) caused 20–30% promotion of respiration of auxin-dependent cell cultures ofNicotiana tabacum, Glycine max, Taraxacum mongolica, andAtriplex sp. and had small if any effect on respiration of auxin-independent cell cultures ofRubus sp. andScorzonera hispanica. Antiauxin (p-CPIBA) did not affect the respiration. The auxin effect on the respiration of tobacco cells was revealed 10 min after its addition to the suspension and reached a maximum value in 60 min. This stimulation preceded the induction of cell division by auxin. Mitochondria isolated from auxin-treated tobacco cells had greater oxidative and phosphorylative activity than mitochondria from untreated cells. However, isolated mitochondria did not respond to auxin. The inhibitors of respiration (cyanide, monoiodoacetate, malonate, and 2,4-dinitrophenol) eliminated auxin effect on the respiration and cell division. It is concluded that the promotion of respiration is a common event for the auxin effects both on cell extension and on cell division. This promotion is necessary for the induction of cell division and is exerted via direct activation of mitochondriain situ.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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