Promoting adolescent mother self-efficacy for parenting roles, and self-care after childbirth: protocol for a mixed methods study
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Pregnancy, and childbirth can encounter many challenges for the teen mother, family, and health system. The simultaneity of two transition periods, i.e. transition to adulthood and post-partum period may disrupt the acceptance of new roles. Lack of knowledge, information and life skills in managing this situation may threaten the physical and mental health of the mother, and child, as well as reduce the level of role adaptation. One way to increase women's empowerment in postpartum care is self-efficacy promotion training program. The current mixed methods study will be conducted to provide an interventional program sensitive to the culture of the Iranian society for adolescent mothers to improve their self-efficacy.
This study will be conducted as an exploratory sequential mixed methods study (Qual-quan) based on a pragmatism paradigm in four phases. In the first phase, a qualitative study will be performed using a directed content analysis method to explore the needs and strategies related to promote postpartum self-efficacy from the viewpoint of teen mothers, their family, healthcare providers, and policymakers. In the second phase, using a scoping review, self-efficacy promotion strategies, and postpartum care service packages, programs, guidelines, and protocols in other countries will be identified. In the third phase, with integrating the results of qualitative phase and scoping review, the first draft of program will be developed, and validated by an expert panel based on the Delphi approach in three rounds. In the last step, the effectiveness of the interventional program will be evaluated on postpartum self-efficacy of teen mother.
Developing an interventional program that includes teen mother’s experiences, evidence based practice principles, and health staff opinions in a distinct cultural and social context can supply new direction to lead manager, policymakers, and other health care provider to improve the maternal self-efficacy in infant, family, and self-care with considering their age characteristics.
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