Progress in the studies of “solar activity and its geo-space Effects”
Tài liệu tham khảo
Wang, J. X., Solar activity and its geo-space effects, Chinese Basic Research (in Chinese), 2001, 4: 4–9.
Zhang, J., Wang, J. X., Deng, Y. Y. et al., Magnetic flux cancellation associated with the major solar event on 2000 July 14, Astrophys. J., 2001, 548: L99-L102.
Zhang, J., Wang, J. X., Nitta, N., A filament-associated halo coronal mass ejection, Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys., 2001, 1: 85–98.
Zhang, J., Wang, J. X., Filament eruptions and halo coronal mass ejections, Astrophys. J., 2001, 554: 474–487.
Deng, Y. Y., Wang, J. X., Yan, Y. H. et al., Evolution of magnetic nonpotentiality in NOAA AR9077, Solar Phys., 2001, 204: 11–26.
Yan, Y. Y., Deng, Y. Y., Karlicky, M. et al., The magnetic loop structure and associated energetic in the 2000 July 14 solar flares, Astrophys. J., 2001, 551: L115–119.
Bao, S. D., Zhang, H. Q., Patterns of current helicity for solar cycle 22, Astrophy. J., 1998, 496: L43-L46.
Zhang, H. Q., Bao, S. D., Distribution of photospheric electric current helicity and solar activities, Astrophys. J., 1999, 519: 876–883.
Gan, W. Q., Li, Y. P., Chang, J., On lower energy cutoff of nonthermal electrons in solar flares, Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys., 2001, 1:453–459.
Gan, W. Q., Li, Y. P., Chang, J., Energy storage of non-thermal electrons in powering a solar flare, Astrophys. J., 2001, 552: 858–862.
Wang, S. J., Yan, Y. H., Fu, Q. J., Extended radio emission after the soft X-ray maximum of the NOAA AR9077 solar flare on july 10, Astron. Astrophys., 2001, 370:L13–166.
Wang, S. J., Yan, Y. H., Fu, Q. J., Group of type III bursts and its associated spikes, Astron. Astrophys., 2001, 373: 1083 -1088.
Huang, G. L., Diagnosis of coronal magnetic field with data of Nobeyama Radioheliograph, New Astron., 2002, 7(3): 135 -145.
Chen, H. F., Xu, W. Y., Cheng, G. X. et al., Latitudinal characteristics of the geomagnetic field during the storm of 15–16 July 2000, Solar Phys., 2001, 204:339–3499.
Wan, W. X., Liu, L. B., Parkinson, M. L. et al., The effect of fluctuation ionospheric electric field on es-occurrence at cusp and polar cap latitude, Adv. Space Res., 2001, 27(6–7): 1283–1288.
Xu, J. Y., Smith, K. A., Braesseur, G. P., Conditions for the photochemical destabilization of gravity waves in the mesopause region, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2001, 63: 1821–1829.
Liu, R. Y., Hu, H. Q., Liu, Y. H. et al., Responses of the polar ionosphere to the Bastille Day solar event, Solar Phys., 2001, 204: 305–313.
Zhang, G. Q., Wang, H. N., Prediction of maximum sunspot number in solar cycle 23, Solar Phys., 1999, 188: 399–400.
Li, K. J., Gu, X. M., Long-term prediction of solar activity using Moscow neutro monitor pressure-corrected values, Astron. Astrophys., 1999, 348: L59-L61.