Products of the oxidation of selected alkanes by a gram-negative bacterium
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Cultures of a soil pseudomonad grown withn-octane as the sole source of carbon and energy have been shown to accumulate suberic, adipic, acetic and butyric acids. Cultures grown at the expense ofn-octoic acid did not yield either suberic or adipic acids. Whenn-heptane was the growth substrate,n-heptoic acid was detected in the medium. A trace of pimelic acid, the expectedn-alkanedioic acid, also appeared to be present. The principal non-volatile acidic products were recognised to be either hydroxy acids or the lactones of these acids. The formation of suberic and adipic acids fromn-octane is discussed in terms of current views of the biological oxidation ofn-alkanes.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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