Production of succinic acid and lactic acid by Corynebacterium crenatum under anaerobic conditions

Annals of Microbiology - Tập 63 - Trang 39-44 - 2012
Xiaoju Chen1, Shaotong Jiang1, Xingjiang Li1, Lijun Pan1, Zhi Zheng1, Shuizhong Luo1
1School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, The Key Laboratory for Agricultural Products Processing of Anhui Province, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei City, China

Tóm tắt

A new succinic acid and lactic acid production bioprocess by Corynebacterium crenatum was investigated in mineral medium under anaerobic conditions. Corynebacterium crenatum cells with sustained acid production ability and high acid volumetric productivity harvested from the glutamic acid fermentation broth were used to produce succinic acid and lactic acid. Compared with the first cycle, succinic acid production in the third cycle increased 120% and reached 43.4 g/L in 10 h during cell-recycling repeated fermentations. The volumetric productivities of succinic acid and lactic acid could maintain above 4.2 g/(L·h) and 3.1 g/(L·h), respectively, for at least 100 h. Moreover, wheat bran hydrolysates could be used for succinic acid and lactic acid production by the recycled C. crenatum cells. The final succinic acid concentration reached 43.6 g/L with a volumetric productivity of 4.36 g/(L·h); at the same time, 32 g/L lactic acid was produced.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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