Production and Emissions of Marine Isoprene and Monoterpenes: A Review
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Terrestrial and marine photosynthetic organisms emit trace gases, including isoprene and monoterpenes. The resulting emissions can impact the atmosphere through oxidative chemistry and formation of secondary organic aerosol. Large uncertainty exists as to the magnitude of the marine sources of these compounds, their controlling factors, and contribution to marine aerosol. In recent years, the number of relevant studies has increased substantially, necessitating the review of this topic. Isoprene emissions vary with plankton species, chlorophyll concentration, light, and other factors. Remote marine boundary layer isoprene mixing ratios can reach >300 pptv, and extrapolated global ocean fluxes range from <1 to >10 Tg C year −1. Modeling studies using surface chlorophyll concentration as an isoprene emissions proxy suggest variable atmospheric impacts. More information is needed, including emission fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from various biogeographical areas, the effects of species and nutrient limitation on emissions, and the aerosol yields via condensation and nucleation, in order to better quantify the atmospheric impacts of marine isoprene and monoterpenes.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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